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The Very End
S3 licensed
Id take my chances lol
The Very End
S3 licensed
Are there any statestics on how many people (more than usual) who deside to end their life now?
The Very End
S3 licensed
I do actually agree with above for a change, but I still think you can find the one on short time. Sure, the chances are low but they still are there, sometimes you meet the perfect.
I once did, but then over time I managed to **** up things. After that it has been hard to feel deeply for people again..
The Very End
S3 licensed
My boner ruins everything..
The Very End
S3 licensed
I see! There should be a middle thing between the blue and he red wing. At least here in Norway it's nothing in middle at least.

And when is next election in Denmark btw?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Dennis plz
Not eveyone is persons without feelings, aswell it is not easy to spot mistakes in people when you like them. When it is over however, it's easier to see he obvious.
The Very End
S3 licensed
I would advice people to try it out aswell. Its jusy friendly racing with a lot of lauhs and spills
The Very End
S3 licensed
Agree. Even tho things or sollutions looks simple they are horrible compplicatted, and as you say to predict so far into the future is mental.
The Very End
S3 licensed
You mention right wing in your comment, and that makes me a little confused. At least over here right wing peope are massivly against immigration and are not affraight to raise their voice, the senter/left - red,
are very much positive to it and want a bigger number of immigrants.

Or did I read your post somewhat wrong?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Please no more multiclass, I have it up my neck now
I just want some simple 1 car one track (with rotation), like the good old days.
The Very End
S3 licensed
As above, never did try the 3. game, but I did try V-Rally (1).
Was good fun and remember it was a blast playing with a friend on it too
The Very End
S3 licensed
Ever wondered how some manage to blow a horse?
Know that, and you know how we managed.

AAaaaaanyhooooww! Great fun! Had some nice racing with the ordinary forum ****s ;D
The Very End
S3 licensed
We are some people online now at the server, come join
The Very End
S3 licensed
I hear ya!
Gimme 2 mins and I'll be online.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh my god man
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Well people such as Norwegians are much like the Swiss and are the ones getting all butthurt all the time when people say things that could offend others.

There's been many many times where someone from a very liberal country starts jumping into arguments that aren't theirs and telling everyone to respect each other etc.

Lol, and sometimes true yes.
I for once just tried or wanted to understand what mechanics / behaviours that led to this riot thing, instead of just judge everything from first look

I just have it hard to find that a simple joke caused all this, but then again, it's soon end of the world so meh.
The Very End
S3 licensed
I am just open minded maaaaan
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Ah,come on,there could be some individuals still hiding... I consider myself healthy enough to not want to see you in that kind of action...

What you mean by that you ass?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Webcam or it didn't (will not) happened (happen)!

Hmm,TVE visits in person this party. Forget the webcam,noone mentally healthy would like to see that...

I dare to say that none of the LFS community are mentally healthy
The Very End
S3 licensed
Ah yeah, I heared about that aswell. Instagram will be able to sell your pictures / use them as they wish. Sure it's not too much of a problem for normal people (other than beeing really dick to them tbh), but proffesionals photographs and such are also using that place. Taking all the pictures and do what they want with them without having the users apporval is just a little wrong I think

But I think it might be unrelevant to this riot, or at least I hope. No one in media or whatever have given an reasonable answer for why there has been two days of protests. First it seemed like it was all caused by some joke on Instagram, but now I'm unsure.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Mad people are mad, as easy as that. TV, media, games, society or whatever might be the final "trigger" for them to cause harm, but it canot be taken out of context and then blamed on as media now does about video games.

Before video games violent movies and music got the blame for kids beeing mean to eachothers and society.

And regarding America and their politics, a lot could be said about that. For example, selling guns in banks? Close to none weapon controll / check system?
And the right to defend yourself with any means nessesary is so bullshit that.. well no! There must be a ballance somewhere, defend yourself - but if possible try not to blow the ****ing head of the burglas please?

And also, while speaking about the last tragic school shoting, I love how media explains it:
"He was a shy boy who used a lot of his time on the computer, while listening mostly on black metall".
I am not kidding around, the line above was in the local newspaper some days ago.
So everyone who do playing computer a lot and listen on anything else than the Justin Bieber surely got to be ticking bombs?

Again, mad people are mad, and society has a lot of problems - but we canot start pointing fingers and blame ONE singel factor for people to lose their minds.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Going to be one cock filled evening (as your ass going to be asweel) ^^
The Very End
S3 licensed
I do read norwegian, dannish and swedish fine so that's not a problem
And I do know that some Instangram joke whent to hell, but it canot surely just be that - or?
What I was hoping was that someone knew a little more than the narrowminded media, an could explain why a silly little act on Instagram brings forth the apocalypse.

Sure, there are VG "Experts", but they are just bullshit. Often it's ordinary people giving an opinion and then beeing stated as "experts" by the media. It's not like the old experts where you actually had to know something lol.

And that they mentionen that this is not typically nordic behavior, I think it is just not immigrants / new arrivals (lol sorry) causing the mess.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Strange that nobody else that us have news about it? Our newspage(s) going bananas. Just take a look at .
Even tho you canot read it probally, you can look at the pictures